Research Suggests Cannabis Use May Promote Better Orgasms


A Couple | Research Suggests Cannabis Use May Promote Better OrgasmsCan Cannabis Improve Orgasms and Intimacy?

While the scientific research related to intimacy, orgasms and sexual functioning is limited, two reasonably well done studies suggest cannabis may help.

More Pleasurable Orgasms with Cannabis

In a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, 133 female patients over the age of 18 were studied. Resulting in three out of four patients exhibited an 100% improvement in their intimacy with the addition of cannabis. Participants reported better overall sexual desire, increased sex drive and a more pleasurable orgasm with minimal effects on lubrication.

In another study involving 373 patients, it turns out it’s also good for women. With the use of cannabis women reported a two times greater likelihood of achieving satisfactory orgasms.

Not satisfied with your orgasms? Struggling to achieve an orgasm regularly? Give cannabis a try, it may help.

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