Cannabis Use and Erectile Dysfunction | Should You be Concerned?


Couple Suffering from Erectile Dysfunction (Cannabis Use and Erectile Dysfunction | Should You be Concerned?)Does Cannabis Contribute to Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

Researchers and cannabis users everywhere want to know does cannabis use contribute to erectile dysfunction? We know that unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking, excessive alcohol use, weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to poor outcomes with your health. This includes erectile dysfunction. We get a lot of this data from population based studies which follow a large number of patients over many years. That is how we find out  that people who eat their vegetables, get an adequate amount of sleep and maintain healthy, vibrant, loving relationships tend to live longer and require less medical interventions.

No Relationship Between Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and Cannabis Use

Based on these population based trials, 89 separate studies involving over 350,000 patients, there is no relationship between ED and cannabis use. Researchers still wondered if the use of cannabis was leading to blood vessel dysfunction. Often times the lining of the blood vessels (the endothelium) will become less responsive, pliable and will not dilate appropriately in chronic smokers or those who choose an unhealthy lifestyle.

Researchers looked at 64 patients with Erectile Dysfunction and seven healthy controls using ultrasound to study the endothelial lining. They found that people who use cannabis were not necessarily at a significant increased risk for endothelial disease (which can cause ED). The researchers noted that a couple puffs of cannabis on the rare occasions was significantly different from smoking a pack a day or making poor lifestyle choices. The closest indicator to endothelial dysfunction in the penile tissues was insulin resistance, which is another definition of somebody who is not following a healthy lifestyle.

Do everything you can to maintain healthy sexual function. It’s all the same things you’re doing anyway to avoid other common diseases like high blood pressure and heart disease and gaining weight. These factors will also help you have a more satisfactory sexual experience.

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